Deviation Perspective I

Deviation Perspective I - Wrong Soul Requiem is a short story written by Andrew Allanson and illustrated by Brian Allanson. It is included in PDF format with the YIIK: Deviation Perspective I album, or for physical purchase in the Ackk Shop. It was also read by Chris Niosi in a livestream.
The story focuses on multiple different character perspectives and expands on the world of YIIK. These characters are Kisage X, William, and Vella.
Characters[edit | edit source]
Story[edit | edit source]
The Demon Auction[edit | edit source]

The ONISM: Demon Auction is a shady auction service available each night. Reality itself is manipulated in order to guarantee the wishes of the winner. Users are allowed to use anything they own to bid. The bidders are represented as Jesters, while the auctioneers are represented by King and Queen sprites.
One day, the lot was a date with a woman with another reality, Vella Wilde. Users start to bid, some offering things like their mother's life savings, video game collections, and naming rights for their child. A user named WilHeHehe offers the souls of those who participated in the auction. His offer ends up winning, and he passes the lot to his son for this birthday.
Wrong Soul Requiem[edit | edit source]
Kisage X, a Japanese movie director, is occasionally visited by the King and Queen at night. They persuade Kisage into assisting them with some kind of plan. While not directly stated, it is implied that their plan is to kidnapping women to turn them into Digital Soul Vessels, as well as incorporating specific themes and imagery into his movies.
In 1973, a scene in the film Kisage was currently working on involved the actress Asuka Furutani to be shoved into an iron maiden. Kisage is unsatisfied with the scene, and orders his actors to make it closer to his vision. But, a shock to everyone, Asuka is no longer in the studio, and was never found. Disturbed by the events, it is implied that Kisage steals the day's footage, getting him in trouble with the police.
Concerned that Kisage X revealed too much, the King and Queen orders "Arcangelo" to kill Kisage, with the act of murder recorded on film. Kisage protests, saying he never planned to put most of the things they wanted into his films. He claims he only agreed to filming the iron maiden and putting it into the film.
Music From Another Reality[edit | edit source]

Vella pitches the name "Original Sinners" for her new album to her producer. She explains that its meant to refer to sin that is a unique act of evil. The producer reads a lyric about "entities," which Vella elaborates on. She says that entities greet you when committing an original sin. But the producer asks for further clarification, asking what the entities specifically are, which Vella doesn't give an answer for. He brings up how "The King and Queen decree an edit," and suggests these entities should be the King and Queen. Vella dislikes the idea, as another version of herself warned her about the King and Queen.
An executive from the record label questions Vella about her single Prophetic Rambling and why the lyrics had imagery involving paper, brushes, and "sacred blood." Vella shares an old memory on her first day of kindergarten where her great-aunt Cyrille prophesied that they would "write the apocalypse and the sun would pick the best one to make reality." Vella brings up the idea to her classmates, and they work together to paint images of the apocalypse. While most of the class's art was terrible, one stood out, which the kid titled 'Sacred Blood.' She was convinced that the "sun" would pick their drawing for the end of the world. Thus the song is inspired by this event, where the song predicts the end of the world. Fascinated by the story, the executive states that he has figured out how to market the single.
Long after, Vella witnesses her producer "tangled" up with an incredibly young woman. Disturbed by this, she attempts to call Cyrille on the phone, but she did not answer. She instead decides to use her wings to fly into the soul space.
William[edit | edit source]
A man named William brings over a woman named Vella Wilde for a first date. They apparently met on a internet forum obsessed with the occult, perhaps being a form of ONISM. William, being a fan of Kisage X's movies, shows his date a VHS of Music From Another Reality: Electric City Strikers. He refers to it as Golgotha VHS. In the movie, Arcangelo attempts to fix a broken reality but fails. The scene they are currently watching has Arcangelo taunting four teenagers, reminiscent of his appearance in YIIK. While in the middle of explaining the deeper story of Kisage X's works, Vella gets a call from someone, who she speculates is her producer. She asks William to go outside while she talks. William thinks that he's making a good connection with her, but overhears what might've been Vella flirting with whoever it was on the phone. After waiting a long time, William enters back in and continues explaining the lore of the films.
Two weeks later, it was Christmas Eve. On a coffee date, they discuss Vella's concept album titled Deviation Perspective. She explains that the concept is that the first song is the "soul," and every track after is the same soul in different situations. William compares it to the movie they saw, which has a similar concept. Vella was confused by this, as she didn't recall going on a movie date with him. William, equally confused, brushes it off, joking that it "Must have been your soul, but on another plane of existence." She finds the joke humorous, as she pitched the album in a similar way to her producer. "The first song is the perfect first date with your soulmate. Every song that comes after, it's a perspective deviation, where it's that same first date, but in different realities."
Time passes until it is William's Birthday. During this period of time, Vella went missing. Her last appearance was recorded on security footage, showing her collecting the master recordings for her album, and heads onto an escalator, never to be seen again. The case becomes famous, with people online calling her "Escalator Girl." William tries to tell other people that he had dated her, but no one believes him, since they never took any pictures together. Additionally he admits to not knowing her name, only knowing her as "Escalator Girl." He comments on how she looks extremely similar to the female lead in Golgotha VHS, and speculates that they might be twins. He realizes that he could contact Kisage X for information about the actress, but better yet, realizes that his Dad could "buy" Kisage X for him.
Gallery[edit | edit source]
ONISM - Demon Auction Opening Bid
Wrong Soul Requiem I - introit
Wrong Soul Requiem III - An Edit, As Decreed By the King And Queen
Wrong Soul Requiem V - MFAR Sanctus For Golgotha VHS
Wrong Soul Requiem IV - MFAR Soul Play (Battle with the Golden Hero)
ONISM - I'd give an arm or a leg
MFAR Electric City Golgotha: Crucifusion - Opening Credits
MFAR - Digital Soul Vessel Assembly Line
MFAR - Original Sinners
MFAR - Prophetic Rambling
MFAR Star Dream - Millennium Vision - Redux by DJ ~AMA~
Battle in Enemy Territory
MFAR SoulMate[SoulTraveler]
ONISM - William's Birthday Song