
From ONISM1999

Smile A symbol representing one of the elemental affinities.

Classification Monster
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Smiles are basic enemies that can be found throughout the game, and likely the first enemy Alex will face in his quest.

Stats[edit | edit source]

LIF: 2
STR: 1
SPD: 50
LUK: 1
PRC: 1
AGL: 1

LIF: 8?
STR: ???
SPD: ???
LUK: ???
PRC: ???
AGL: ???

HP: 8
PP: 8
STR: 1
DEF: 1
SPD: 1
LUK: 1

HP: 12
PP: 12
STR: 8
DEF: 2
SPD: 6
LUK: 9

HP: 12
PP: 12
STR: 20
DEF: 2
SPD: 6
LUK: 9

HP: 30
PP: 12
STR: 93
DEF: 2
SPD: 6
LUK: 9

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • In I.V, two smile toys appear on Alex's desk in his dormroom.
  • Smiles are based on the slimes from Dragon Quest. Both are low-level enemies fought first in the games, alongside their similar names.