Roy Guarder

From ONISM1999
Roy Guarder

Roy Guarder with a shiny blade.

Voiced By Matt Shipman
Age Unknown
Hair Color Blonde
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Note: "Explain more of what happens in Two Brothers story."

Roy Guarder is the protagonist of Ackk Studios' first game, Two Brothers. In YIIK, he is featured on Alex's t-shirt throughout the game, and properly appears in Ending 1.

Two Brothers[edit | edit source]

On an expedition with his loving wife, Jane, they find themselves in a trap where they both get killed. When Roy finds himself in heaven, he is amazed by the brand new colors in front of him. He is told that his time on Earth isn't over yet however, and is sent back. With his newfound knowledge of these colors, he searches across the land to find evidence of these colors existing so he can present them to the world, while longing to be with his wife in heaven.

YIIK[edit | edit source]

In the world of YIIK, Two Brothers is a published video game which Alex is a fan of. He has a statue of himself and his wife in Frankton's water fountain.

In the first ending, Alex's party fails in the battle against the Twisted Beings. After death, he finds himself in heaven, and talks to Roy. Roy tells Alex that its not his time to give up yet, and that if he approaches the battle a different way he can defeat the Twisted Beings. Roy allows Alex to go back to Earth, much like how Roy was given a second chance at life as well.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Roy has a brother named Biv, who is also a playable character in Two Brothers.
  • Roy and his brother Biv's names are references to the acronym of colors seen on a rainbow: ROYGBIV.
  • Roy is meant to be a stand-in for a heroic video game character.[1]

Gallery[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

  1. "Alex meets Roy from Two Brothers to give him a pep talk because we are using the game as a stand-in for some other video game hero. I would have loved to have made it Cloud or Link... but that's complicated."