Mind Dungeon

From ONISM1999
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"Alex, I entered the Mind Dungeon alone and I wandered and wandered. Soon I stumbled upon a hall of names. Each of these names was etched into a door."

The Mind Dungeon is a physical space inside someone's mind. In this space, they can train to become stronger, as well as experience their parallel lives.

Alex is given the phone number for the Mind Dungeon by Vella in Chapter 2, and from that point forword his Mind Dungeon can be visited throughout the game to level up the party and learn new skills. Cutscenes will also play out on certain floors of Alex's Mind Dungeon.

When Vella banishes a Soul Survivor, they appear behind a door inside of Alex's Mind Dungeon, and can be defeated for the value of that door's stat upgrade to be doubled.

Alex's Mind Dungeon[edit | edit source]


Vella's Mind Dungeon[edit | edit source]


Essentia's Mind Dungeon[edit | edit source]
