Mega Bots

From ONISM1999
Mega Bot A symbol representing one of the elemental affinities.
Classification Robot
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Note: "Which monster den are they found in?"
See also: Mega Bot Healer.

Mega Bots are enemies that can be found in Essentia's Mind Dungeon, the Overworld in Chapter 5, and a Monster Den.

Green Mega Bots are unique compared to the rest of the pack, as they have a skill where they can buff themselves or other enemies with increased STR and DEF. They can also heal.

Stats[edit | edit source]

HP: 2
PP: {{{pp}}}
STR: 70
DEF: 3
SPD: 27
LUK: 3

HP: 2
PP: {{{pp}}}
STR: 75
DEF: 3
SPD: 19
LUK: 3

HP: 2
PP: {{{pp}}}
STR: 65
DEF: 12
SPD: 27
LUK: 45

HP: 2
PP: {{{pp}}}
STR: 60
DEF: 8
SPD: 27
LUK: 3

HP: 2
PP: {{{pp}}}
STR: 60
DEF: 10
SPD: 27
LUK: 50

HP: 2
PP: {{{pp}}}
STR: 80
DEF: 10
SPD: 27
LUK: 50


Gambit[edit | edit source]

Priority Condition Action
40 HP greater than 30 Attack hero with the lowest HP
15 HP greater than 30 Attack and stun hero with lowest HP
5 HP less than 30 Attack all heroes (Vine Drop)
90 HP less than 30 Attack all heroes (Vine Drop)
- If all else fails Target random hero

Priority Condition Action
50 HP greater than 30 Attack hero with the lowest HP (3 red dodges)
50 HP greater than 30 Buff a random enemy
90 Any enemy has less than 30 HP Heal enemy with lowest HP
- If all else fails Attack hero with the lowest HP (3 red dodges)

Priority Condition Action
50 HP greater than 1 Attack random hero
30 HP greater than 30 Attack random hero and inflict with Sick
- If all else fails Attack random hero

Priority Condition Action
50 HP greater than 30 Attack hero with the lowest HP
30 HP greater than 30 Attack hero with lowest HP
20 HP greater than 30 Attack all heroes (Vine Drop)
- If all else fails Target random hero


Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Originally, a red helmeted variant existed, as seen on AckkStudios' Twitter.
    • Also on the same post, the purple variant isn't flying.
  • The stats for Mega Bot Blue are defined twice in the game's code, but only the first set of stats is read by the game. It has higher STR, DEF, LUK, and HP.