Items & Equipment

From ONISM1999
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Note: Double check stats, this page was made when only the demo was out!
See also: Items & Equipment (Old Battle Mode)

Items and equipment can be found in trash cans, treasure chests, and shops. Occasionally they can be dropped by enemies. You can use skills so steal items from enemies as well. Items can heal LIFE both in and outside battle. Some can also restore the Party PP. Other items can cure negative status effects, like Blindness or bleed.

Equipment changes character stats. Head, body, and other armor can (typically) be equipped to any party member, while weapons are character specific.

Items[edit | edit source]

Consumable Items[edit | edit source]

Name Description Properties Price
Bandage Stops bleeding. Stops bleeding and grants 1 Bandage Karta. ?????
Gauze Bandage Stops bleeding. Stops bleeding and grants 3 Bandage Karta. ?????
Eye Drops Cures blindness. Cures blindness. ?????
Hamburger The best and worst of American society on a sesame seed bun... +30% LIFE. $5.00
Cheese Slice A simple slice of pizza... +30% LIFE. $5.00
Roni Slice A delicious slice of pepperoni pizza... +50% LIFE, +15% PP. $10.00
Supreme Slice A delicious slice of pepperoni pizza... +75% LIFE, +45% PP. $15.00
Pork Roll Sandwich The one and only New Jersey specialty. +30% LIFE $5.00
Taylor Ham Sandwich The one and only New Jersey specialty. +30% LIFE $5.00