
From ONISM1999
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Note: "The 1.5 section needs to be expanded a bit, but not too much... the rest will be on the version 1.5 page."
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YIIK's first public release was on January 17th, 2019, and has had numerous updates over the years. Some were small and fixed bugs and had some tweaks, while others added new content.

For versions pre-dating 1.0, check out the Development History page.

1.0[edit | edit source]

1.0 was the first build for Switch. [Citation Needed] 1.03 was the first version for PC. [Citation Needed] PS4's first verison number was odd, as it displayed both 1.01 and 1.03 on top of each other, giving it a warped appearance. [Citation Needed] The game released on January 17th, 2019.

Not much is known about the 1.01 and 1.02 builds. 1.01 was likely released a day after release, as seen in a livestream from January 18th, 2019.[1] As seen in the stream, the Save menu was changed from the 1.0 build.

Version 1.04 does not exist for the PC version, and it's unknown if it existed for the console releases.

On January 24th, 2019, a new branch was launched that balanced the combat. The access code was "youneedtoletmeinside" but it no longer works.

1.05[edit | edit source]

Released on January 28th, 2019.

This patch greatly increased the overall speed of battles. EXP rewards from enemies were increased, and some enemies were given a bit more HP.

The exact changes are unknown and these are rough estimates of what they probably are. They could be wrong.

General Changes[edit | edit source]

  • Adjusted wording of opening questionnaire.
  • Text can proceed much faster.
  • Control Stick movement is a bit smoother(?)

Battle Changes[edit | edit source]

  • Text in battle goes by much faster.
  • Dodge minigame made a bit faster.(?)
  • Alex's Attack is faster when starting up.(?)
  • LP Toss nerfed(?)
  • Michael's Attack start ups much faster.
  • Michael's Photoshoot flashing has been changed to be less intense.
  • LP Toss nerfed(?)
  • Victory Text and Death Text made faster
  • Gothic Entity XP changed from 20 to 150.
  • Mimic XP changed from 20 to 100.
  • Many enemies will now have a specific HP number instead of it scaling, such as the Samurai Tortoise bosses, Poo, Samurai Rats, and others.
  • Golden Poo HP from 7 to 18.
  • Bats now have separate stats for the Mountain Trail and Mt. Town Cave.
  • Aliens now have separate stats for the Mountain Trail.
  • Stop Signs have different stats for Vella's MD.
  • Frank'O HP from 15 to 25, Frank'O smaller HP variant 8 to 18.

Bug Fixes[edit | edit source]

  • Hints now work on Japanese.
  • Flag Town achievement adjusted(?)

Hidden Changes[edit | edit source]

  • Added some implementation of the Chinese Language.

1.05 received a hotfix on January 29th, 2019, which fixed a bug where the opening questionnaire's lines were mixed up. Once complete, the game would softlock. This hotfix also introduced a major bug where entering a Monster Den would softlock the game.(?)

1.06[edit | edit source]

1.06 initially released on January 31st, 2019, and got multiple "silent" updates which didn't change the version number. The changes aren't entirely known. These updates added Chad and the first remnants of the Old Frankton ending.

Jan. 31, 2019[edit | edit source]

  • Fixed entering a Monster Den softlocking the game.

Feb. 10, 2019[edit | edit source]

Giving Liana's music tape to her brother will now remove it from the inventory.

Apr. 15, 2019[edit | edit source]

This is the first patch for PC which seemed to have added Chad. On the same day, Ackk made a quote tweet regarding the secret NPC stating "He's definitely not in Australia, that's for sure."

Otherwise Unknown

1.07[edit | edit source]

References menu was added.

More Old Frankton ending content was added.


1.071[edit | edit source]


1.25[edit | edit source]

Pre-release[edit | edit source]

1.25's development was first announced on January 10th, 2020. A few bullet points were given as to what the update aimed to have.

  • New Battle System that focuses on quicker battles/more strategic gameplay (the old battle system will still be available as an option.)
  • Improved Combat Balance (New and Old Battle System)
  • Refined/Streamlined Mind Dungeon.
  • Improving Rory’s usefulness in battle
  • Region Specific Bugs (Some Japanese region players have reported some issues that seem to only occur in Japanese language mode.)
  • Adding a way to view progress in each area (How many enemies are left to kill, secrets left to uncover, etc.)

One idea during development was a Challenge Mode. Enemies would have more HP and minigames would be harder to execute. Enemies could inflict a new status ailment called Curse, which would require the party to visit a hospital to cure.[2]

A basic tutorial was planned right before the game's first fight.[3]

Release[edit | edit source]

1.25 released on January 14th, 2021, alongside the short story Deviation Perspective I and it's soundtrack.

Official Changelog[edit | edit source]

Combat Improvements

  • New combat style featuring a simplified main attack mini-game
  • New weakness system
  • General Game rebalance
  • Improved Rory’s usefulness in battle
  • Bosses tweaked to be more strategically unique


  • Added reduced monologue story mode
  • Added Sensitive content warning
  • Added Sensitive content toggle
  • Added Easy mode
  • Added Auto text advance
  • Removed screen flashing
  • General bug fixes
  • Fixed bugs with side quests


  • Story teases for v1.5
  • Some new beats
  • Less lemonade

Undocumented Changes[edit | edit source]

There were many undocumented changes not mentioned in the patch notes. These may not even be all the changes!

  • The opening logos are now skippable.(?)
  • Added vending machine before the end of the Factory Hotel.(?)
  • Added Wilhelm as a boss at the end of the Factory Hotel.
  • LP Toss now has a tutorial onscreen telling you how to fire LPs.
  • Added the Old Frankton Ending.
  • Masamune added to NYC Sport Store.
  • Price of AA Battery from $150.00 to $125.00.
  • Price of 9-volt from $500.00 to $200.00.
  • Vending Machine in Sewer now sells smelling salts and birch beer.

1.25.2[edit | edit source]

1.25.2 first released on February 1st, 2021. It later received another revision on April 14th 2021.

Changelog (February 1st, 2021)[edit | edit source]

  • Changed text rendering in Japanese version. Should run smoother on lower spec devices.
  • Fixed "Jump Pad" in Sewer so that the player should no longer fall through floor
  • Fixed misc. Japanese language bugs
  • Fixed Alpaca cut scene sync issue
  • Misc. Bug fixes
  • Throne leg clipping fixed
  • A certain character at the end of the game had an animation issue on occasion. This has been fixed

(From YIIKcord)

Changelog (April 14th, 2021)[edit | edit source]

  • Attempted fix for door that doesn't spawn in dungeon 4 (Physics bug)
  • Repaired characters: 敷畏縫闖
  • Fixed additional missing text characters
  • Japanese Punctuation fixed
  • Character Model Lip syncing now compatible with Japanese language setting
  • Fixed: Gas Station Collider
  • Car Horns will no longer go off if the player isn't in control
  • Lag when talking to Proto Fan should be improved now

(From YIIKcord)

Console Ports[edit | edit source]

On May 10th, 2021, the Switch port received version 1.25.12 and the PlayStation port received version 1.25.21. Despite the different numbering schemes, it is assumed to have the same changes from PC's 1.25.2.[Citation Needed] Since the ports are in a different version of Unity compared to the PC version, it received different numbering schemes for the patches.[4]

1.5 (YIIK I.V)[edit | edit source]

Main Article: YIIK I.V

Pre-Release[edit | edit source]

Version 1.5 was mentioned during 1.25's development,[Citation Needed] meant to serve as additional story content. It's first teaser trailer was on April 4th, 2021.

I.V Stream Demonstration

Streamer Demo

Wind Town Demonstration

Release[edit | edit source]

YIIK 1.5 released on December 2nd, 2024. The official changes according to the steam page is as follows:

  • A whole new battle mode.
  • A new playable protagonist, the Nameless Child.
  • Over 10 new areas to explore.
  • An improved Mind Dungeon for a more engaging leveling-up experience.
  • Recreated cutscenes and brand new story elements.
  • So many surprises there aren’t enough bullet points to get it across.

1.5.002[edit | edit source]

This version released exclusively on PC.


  • PS4 Controller Support: The right stick should now be correctly read on PC. Ensure that the controller settings in-game are set to PS4 using the settings menu for this fix to work. Changing it from the launcher may not be enough in some cases
  • Direct3D11 as Default API: Direct3D11 is now the default graphics API, which should resolve launching issues on certain machines.

Bug Fixes:

  • Steam Deck: Fixed text offset bug, ensuring character names now align correctly with the backing window.
  • Trophy Unlocking: The trophy for purging Entities should now unlock as intended.
  • Language Support: Playing the game on systems set to French (or any other language with issues parsing English decimals) should no longer cause music volume problems.

1.5.003[edit | edit source]

This version released exclusively on PC.

Improvements and Fixes:

  1. EXP Bug resolved: Accumulated special EXP in battles will now reset to the base reward value upon getting a Game Over.
  2. Boundary Fix: Players can no longer jump out of bounds on top of the spikes in room 11 of the Mt. Town Cave.
  3. Input Handling: The Onism browser will no longer receive input while the quit game menu is open (PC only).
  4. D-pad Support: The D-pad can now be used to control movement in the Mind Dungeon.
  5. Item Refill Trunk Interaction: Opening the item refill trunk in Alex's room will no longer cause repeated interactions. The game will now wait for the animation to finish before the chest can be interacted with again.
  6. Mouse Confirm Button: Using the mouse as the Confirm button will now only count during the frame the mouse is clicked.
  7. Legacy file loading: If you find yourself in the Legacy Questionnaire scene, the game will now direct you to the new intro.
  8. Launcher Settings: Launcher settings will now be restored when the launcher is next opened, and controller settings in the save file will be overridden by launcher settings.

1.5.005[edit | edit source]

This version released exclusively for the Nintendo Switch on February 25th, 2025.

  • Fixed data corruption that can occur when playing on Nintendo Switch
  • Sheep Man animations will now play when attacking or getting hit.
  • Gun draw message will never show up if Michael is not in the party.
  • Summonable enemies: Fixed a bug where they would throw an error if they had previously been targeting Panda when they last died.
  • Event Freeze: Fixed a freeze that can occur during a certain event.
  • Battle Enhancements:
    • Angel Summon effect now hides all Karta figures on appearing.
    • When jumping, an Actor's Karta Stone slabs will be forced hidden if they stayed up due to a rare bug.
    • Panda Barrier: No longer throws an error when Panda is destroyed by an enemy at the end of an attack.
    • Stone Slab: Fixed issue of Stone slab staying on the battlefield after a card breaks.
  • Japanese Language Bugs:
    • Spending a day in the Mind Dungeon had a popup that said "None" instead of "1日が経過した。".
    • Fixed name of Foam Cup item in Japanese (発泡スチロールのカップ).
    • The Essentia 2000 can now hurt Soul Survivors with basic attacks when playing in Japanese.
    • "Confused!" Flag: Now displays in Japanese.
    • Status Menu: Fixed a certain character's name display while playing in Japanese.
  • Twisted Beings Fight:
  • If Alex is much faster than the Twisted Beings' Cages, they will now move faster.
  • State fixed when the last card breaks.
  • Fixed bug when using a captured soul during the "Twisted Beings" fight.
  • Storm Slash Skill: Camera adjusted to frame non-Claudio-characters that uses this skill.
  • Heart Equip Bug: Fixed bug where a certain Actor can lose their equipped Heart in NG++.
  • Eclipse Device: Exclamation mark bug fixed.
  • Battle Loading: Fixed issue of battle loading between saved data on platforms that don't support clearing of all system

References[edit | edit source]