Boombox Specter

From ONISM1999
(Redirected from Liana)
Boombox Specter
Also Known As Liana
Voiced By N/A
Age 22[1]
Hair Color Dark Blue
"♪He was supposed to be my ♪wonderwall.♪"

The Boombox Specter is a ghost that haunts a cave at Mt. Town. She possesses a mixtape, which she originally intended to give to her crush Shane G. Irving before she died. Alex can take the mixtape and give it to either Shane G. Irving to haunt him forever, or her brother at Easton University.

On ONISM, HartStran speculates the ghost to be his sister. ONISM Logo He explains that she died in 1995 after a tragic accident, where she got ran over while trying to get Shane G. Irving's attention.

Liana was meant to be exclusive to the Episode Prime demo, but was added to the final game.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • AckkStudios has interestingly described Liana as a "female(?)".[1]
  • Before 1.5, there was a bug where if her mixtape is given to her brother at Easton University, she will still show up in South Town, still haunting Shane G. Irving anyway.
  • The Boombox Specter appears as Yellow Katsuban in the KNN Ending.
  • While HartStran claims she died in '95, AckkStudios' twitter states she died in '98.[1]
  • Her face is similar to Wendy.
  • In the Episode Prime demo, Liana has a unique text sound when her dialogue is spoken. While previously unused completely, it is heard again in 1.5 when the tape is taken out.
    • This may imply that in that time of development, there were plans to give more characters unique text sounds instead of just the default.

References[edit | edit source]