Vella's Song

From ONISM1999
In-game, this song gets drowned out by booing.

Vella's Song plays when all the Vella's in Vella's Mind Dungeon are gathered for a performance. It was composed by Andrew Allanson, with a vocal performance by Mika Maruyama.

It has never been officially released.

Lyrics[edit | edit source]

When you see me next
I'll be somebody
playing for a crowd who screams my name
I'm a star, soaring

When they scream my name
I'll take a bow
and then we start to play
my anthem of victory

Love me, praise me

I am everything that I can be now
I'm a superstar
They speak my name on TV

Everyone was wrong
I am somebody
I'm on top again
I am high with victory

Know me, praise me

Take my word for it
I'll always be a loser, you know it
I know it's just a dream
Fame is not for me

I'm a hack
I have nothing to say
Drown me in the sea
That is better for your ears

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • An alternate version of this track can be found in the files.
    It's unclear whether this was an early version of the main track, or was meant to be used elsewhere and never was.