Factory Hotel (Revisting Mass Produced Memorable Stays)

From ONISM1999

Factory Hotel (Revisting Mass Produced Memorable Stays) is a song in YIIK I.V. It was composed and produced by Andrew Allanson. It plays while exploring the Factory Hotel.

It was featured on YIIK (Greatest Hits Vol.3) and YIIK Nameless Psychosis.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • The word "revisting" may be referring to the slang term revist, "when a dark entity meets you in the astral plane dressed as an angel".[1] It's oddly reminiscent of the events in the Blackened Pond.
    • Alternatively, it could be revister, a "reverse-hipster who only follows trends that have ended just recently."[2] Alex only cares about Semi right after she goes missing.

References[edit | edit source]