
From ONISM1999
Classification Drunkard
Also Known As Robust Alcoholic
Age Unknown
Hair Color Blonde

The Drunkard is the final battle in Wind Town before the party can finally talk to Rory. His wife threatens that he'll never see his daughter again if he keeps the key to the Mancer's home, but he refuses. He is a regular client of Candy, and is mesmerized by her. After being defeated, he gives the key to Alex, allowing Alex and co. to finally meet Rory and also allowing the Drunkard's marriage to hopefully be repaired.

Stats[edit | edit source]

1 LVL 1
1 LVL 1
1 LVL 1
LIF 135 1 1 1 138
STR 19 0 0 0 19
SPD 550 0 0 0 550
LUK 70 15 15 15 115
PRC 20 0 0 0 20
AGL 60 2 2 2 66

HP: 70
PP: 25
STR: 35
DEF: 6
SPD: 100
LUK: 6

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • In early I.V tests, the Drunkard was even stronger than he already is.
    • He originally had 140HP, his speed was originally 650, his attack was 25, and his perception was 30 originally.